
Fish Can't See Water

Well technically they can.

But they don't know it's water, that's just what they've been in all there lives.

How often are we placed in situations where we really don't get the "other" side to the story yet we are convinced that we know?

Who knows the war on Iraq better than those in Australia or Kenya or Russia? What would those in Iraq say that's different from those in the states? I'd bet that a place like Australia, that is soo removed can have a better non-biased view on it. Maybe.

Go to www.pinkyshow.org to get really cool viewpoints on the world. Click here for a good one.

----------Bunny Trail below --------------------------------------------------------------------

But then there are scenarios where you have to be on one side or the other and there is no neutral party. No one to relate to but people like you and no one to understand but the people unlike you.

In the Christian community, the world is made up of people who love Jesus and people who don't. But what most people don't know about most Christians is that they've been on both sides of the fence. They've been in the water (not a christian) and now they're out of the water (they are a Christian).

The problem is that for some reason the church hides the times when they were in the water because of things they would consider shameful.

I've thought much about the time when I did not know the love of God. I do have moments when I dare to return to a life without Him. But I look back at where I've come from an I can never go back.

I just remember always asking the question what does my life amount to? What am I doing all this for. Am I living just to die? Am I working so I may rest?
I used to answer I'm living for happiness. But the older you get, the more fleeting happiness comes and the harder you have to work to get it.

I used to answer fulfillment but being what fulfills us changes from one year to the next.

But as a Christian man, I am happy because I have joy. And I am fulfilled because living a life with God is by it's very nature a fulfillment of life.

I would have never known this unless I were on this of the water and on the other.