

Does America owe me February?

Does it owe me history?

Did America rob me of my heritage?

Did America set up systems, laws and codes to prevent my history from happening?

Does America teach my history in it's class rooms?

Does it acknowledge or recognize the unpaid forefathers of this country?

Did America ever pay the backs that created and held together its super-power economy?

Did America teach black people how to teach their children where they came from so that some day they will have the confidence to achieve anything they want in life?

No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

America gave me the right to blog about it.

Black history month began with a college sorority sponsoring a week of acknowledging the achievements of Fredrick Douglas. It was intended to mend poor race relations among all people. It soon extended to all all people in the Black Diaspora. Then it was extended to a month long celebration.

It's lost some meaning overtime, but now its extended to a lifetime, 'cause I am black history too.

Let's celebrate black history month. All of us. No mate who you are. Not because it's separate from regular history. Because it's our history. Because it's been shoved aside. Because our children won't remember if we don't. Because...